Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge is a perfect way to see all sorts of animals. It was established in 1946 as an overlay of a portion of the Big Mineral arm of Lake Texoma. Consisting of about 12,000 acres, the refuge provides a variety of habitats for birds and wildlife.
A couple of animals that are a part of this Refuge Canada, snow, white-fronted, and Ross geese along with Ross' geese along with pintail, mallard, gadwall and other ducks use refuge impoundments and fields as a stop-over and wintering grounds. Migratory birds by the thousands follow the Red River. You can see thousands of birds and thousands of geese but you also can see thousands of ducks as well.
Although you can see animals you can also see millions of wildflowers and prairie grasses. They provide seasonal food and shelter for wildlife. Butterflies, meadowlarks, and dragonflies flutter through the summer landscape. There are also white-tailed deer, bobcats, river otters, turtles, and fox squirrels. This Refuge is full of things you don't want to miss out on seeing. Make sure to listen for the howl of the coyotes at dusk.
This Refuge was built on land that was owned by the U.S. Department of Army Corps of Engineers. It was a Denison Dam Project that is known today as Lake Texoma. The Refuge lies on the Texas Side of Red River. 12,000 acres make up this Refuge and 8,700 acres are uplands. With the remaining 2,600 acres are wetlands. This diversity of habitat, actively managed by refuge staff, creates ideal conditions for a wide variety of wildlife and plants.
Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge makes sure that the wildlife comes first. They focus on providing habitat for migratory birds, wildlife, and plants native to the area. They also focus on giving the opportunity for outdoor recreation that is compatible. They also offer wildlife-dependent opportunities for outdoor recreation including wildlife observation and photography, fishing, hunting, hiking, and educational programs.
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"We just love to visit here so much to see. They also have great events and activities also. A must do when you are in the area."
""Beautiful and peaceful place to enjoy an hour or even a full day! We hiked, drove around and enjoyed the beauty and wildlife all around!"
"Wonderful place to enjoy some peacefulness, always some type of wildlife around to see, each season is a new adventure."